



Париж, ножницы, бумага. Мир, который построил Rich McCor

Миллионы людей ездят по миру и фотографируют. Но такое придумал, кажется, только он один. Набор несложных инструментов плюс талант и немного фантазии. И мы увидим, что мир вовсе не таков, как мы думаем.

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Миллионы людей ездят по миру и фотографируют достопримечательности, заполняя Instagram. Но такое придумал, кажется, он один, 28-летний британец Рич Мак-Кор. Набор несложных инструментов плюс талант и немного фантазии. И мы увидим, что мир вовсе не таков, как мы думаем. WallaNews представляет.

Увидеть Триумфальную арку, Биг-Бен, "Русалочку" в Копенгагене в ином пространственном измерении - это как минимум интересно. И выясняется, что для этого не нужно никаких технических чудес. Наш мир - это мир изощреннейших иллюзий, в которых мы достаточно искушены, чтобы не дать себя обмануть. Но оказывается, бывает иллюзия совсем простая, как детская игра. И она имеет над нами власть. Благодаря чему этому британскому фотохудожнику, открывшему в Instagram страницу paperboyo удается достичь в своих работах удивительного художественного эффекта. Впрочем, судите сами. 

Hi to the newbies- thanks for checking out my insta. Here's a new one from my trip to Paris at le weekend ??When the Mona Lisa was stolen from the Louvre, the museum shut down for nine days, the French bor­der was closed and all depart­ing ships and trains were searched. The mystery wasn't solved until two years later though, when the thief turned out to be Vin­cenzo Perug­gia, a car­pen­ter who had been working at the museum and knew all the exits and escape routes. Perug­gia had even helped build the glass case that the Mona Lisa was displayed in, so he knew how to get the paint­ing out. At closing time, he hid in a broom closet and then walked out an exit after dark hold­ing the Mona Lisa under his coat. Shot for #lpkids (@lonelyplanet's brand for little adventurers) #louvre #lonelyplanet #instaart #paris #parisjetaime #parisian #topparisphoto #visitparis #parismaville #igersparis #loves_paris #igersfrance #citytrip #wanderlust #travel #adventure #passionpassport #instagram #intrepidtravel #adventure #instagoodmyphoto #guardiancities #bestintravel #monalisa #paperart #loves_paris #art #silhouette #museum #davinci

A photo posted by Rich McCor (@paperboyo) onOct 20, 2015 at 12:22am PDT

Towards the end of WWI, France built a ‘Second Paris’ near the capital city to confuse German pilots. It was located near the town of Maisons-Laffitte, on a stretch of the River Seine. As well as replicas of iconic landmarks, including the Arc de Triomphe, it even had sham streets lined with electric lights so that from the sky it would look like a real city. Shot for #lpkids (@lonelyplanet's brand for little adventurers) #arcdetriomphe #lonelyplanet #instaart #paris #parisjetaime #parisian #topparisphoto #visitparis #parismaville #igersparis #loves_paris #igersfrance #citytrip #wanderlust #travel #adventure #passionpassport #instagram #travelandlife #intrepidtravel #adventureinstagoodmyphoto #guardiancities #guardiantravelsnaps #bestintravel #lego #paperart #loves_paris #champselysees #silhouette

A photo posted by Rich McCor (@paperboyo) onOct 18, 2015 at 9:08am PDT

Novelists James Joyce and Ernest Hemingway were drinking buddies in Paris- often picking fights on their drunken nights out. Famously, Hemingway took a urinal from his favourite bar in Paris and had it installed into his American abode, arguing that he had "pissed away" so much money into the urinal that he owned it #montmartre #basiliquedusacrecoeur #hemingway #karate #silhouette #instaart #paris #parisjetaime #parisian #topparisphoto #visitparis #parismaville @paris_tourisme #igersparis #loves_paris #igersfrance #instagram #forcedperspective #citytrip #wanderlust #travel #adventure #passionpassport #architecture #travelandlife #intrepidtravel #adventureinstagoodmyphoto #guardiancities #guardiantravelsnaps #bestintravel

A photo posted by Rich McCor (@paperboyo) onOct 17, 2015 at 11:09am PDT

Niels Juel was a Danish admiral who had absolutely nothing to do with making dogs jump through hoops, but his statue was perfect to play with for this cutout. The Danish are masters of play- the world's most popular toy, LEGO, is a Danish invention. The name comes from the first two letters of the Danish words Leg Godt, which means "play well". By pure coincidence it was later realised that the word LEGO can loosely be interpreted as "I put together" in Latin #lego #copenhagen #denmark #kopenhagen #visitcopenhagen #VisitDenmark #somewhereincopenhagen #citytrip
#igerscopenhagen #wanderlust #travel #adventure #passionpassport #featuremevisitcopenhagen #sharingcph #statue #travelandlife #intrepidtravel #dog #bestintravel #bbctravel #adventureinstagoodmyphoto #guardiancities #guardiantravelsnaps #københavn #københavnskommune #copenhague #dogs #play

A photo posted by Rich McCor (@paperboyo) onOct 13, 2015 at 12:11am PDT

Autumn is coming (to misquote Jon Snow). For the last 40 years Copenhagen has often come top of international happiness surveys. They even have a special word for a specific type of happiness; "hygge". It's used to describe the cosy feeling of togetherness which gets them through winter. In Britain I think the closest we have is "that post Sunday-roast, feeling lazy, get me a cup of tea 'cos I just want to lounge on the sofa" feeling. "Hygge" is definitely more succinct #copenhagen #denmark #kopenhagen #visitcopenhagen #VisitDenmark #somewhereincopenhagen #citytrip #hygge #igerscopenhagen #wanderlust #travel #adventure #passionpassport #featuremevisitcopenhagen #sharingcph #paperart #travelandlife #nature #autumn #bestintravel #bbctravel #adventure #instagoodmyphoto #guardiancities #guardiantravelsnaps #københavn #silhouette #photography #leaf #ballet #dance @royalcopenhagen

A photo posted by Rich McCor (@paperboyo) onOct 11, 2015 at 10:34am PDT

The Little Mermaid taking a selfie; Shot for #lpkids (@lonelyplanet's brand for little adventurers). Hans Christian Anderson (who wrote the fairy tale) always took some unusual pieces of equipment with him when he travelled, including a rope in case a fire broke out and he was forced to escape through a window. Fortunately he never needed it #lonelyplanet #copenhagen #denmark #kopenhagen #visitcopenhagen #selfiestick #sea #paperart #sky #VisitDenmark #somewhereincopenhagen #citytrip #instaart #igerscopenhagen #wanderlust #travel #adventure #travelbreak #travelandlife #intrepidtravel
#bestintravel #passionpassport #disney #hanschristiananderson #thelittlemermaid #selfie #Denlillehavfrue #cutout #paper

A photo posted by Rich McCor (@paperboyo) onOct 9, 2015 at 11:33pm PDT

Rooooxxxxxanne.... #amsterdam #amsterdamcity #traveladdict #amstergram #citytrip #thankyouamsterdam #igersamsterdam #loves_amsterdam #awesomeamsterdam #iamsterdam #wanderlust #instaphoto #travel #adventure #redlight #paperart #cutout #lights #night #holiday #vacation #holland #netherlands #amsterdaminsights #travelamsterdam #bbctravel #instagoodmyphoto #photography #amsterdamworld #silhouette

A photo posted by Rich McCor (@paperboyo) onOct 4, 2015 at 12:18am PDT

Shot for #lpkids (@lonelyplanet's brand for little adventurers) This is the impressive glass ceiling of the Maritime Museum. On the aquatic theme- Amsterdam was originally a fishing village, it took its name from the river Amstel and the dam that was built in 1220 to avoid floods from the Zuidersee entering the islands #lonelyplanet @lonelyplanet #lpkids #amsterdam #amsterdamcity #traveladdict #amstergram #citytrip #thankyouamsterdam #igersamsterdam #loves_amsterdam #awesomeamsterdam #iamsterdam #wanderlust #travelgram #instaphoto #travel #adventure #web #spider #maritimemusuem #silhouette #bluesky #instaart #holiday #holland #netherlands #hetscheepvaartmusuem #architecture #geefmijmaaramsterdam #amsterdamworld

A photo posted by Rich McCor (@paperboyo) onOct 1, 2015 at 10:08am PDT

It's Friday ?? Perfect excuse to crack open a bottle and celebrate the weekend don't you think? I'm off to Amsterdam on Sunday with my camera for a few days- any recommendations? #towerbridge #cityhall #champagne #fountain #igerslondon #shutup_london #prettycitylondon #london #lovelondon #londonlife #londonpop #visitlondon #travel #instalondon #instaart #wanderlust #lifeofadventure #worlderlust #timeoutlondon #ilovelondon #instagoodmyphoto #instaart #instaphoto #londonforyou #lonelyplanet #morelondon #bestintravel #igworldclub #worldtravelpics #silhouette #thisislondon

A photo posted by Rich McCor (@paperboyo) onSep 25, 2015 at 4:03am PDT



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